

NLPOAVC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that works to promote professionalism in law enforcement through education, career training and strong commitment to community service.

In 2023, we awarded @26,000.00 in scholarships to Ventura County Students to help them further their educational goals.   We participate in the California Strawberry Festival and Hueneme Beach Festival to fundraise  for our annual Scholarship Awards.  We also coordinate and present fundraising events such as Flapjack Breakfasts and our scholarship banquet.

NLPOAVC meets on the third Monday of the month at the knights of Columbus Chapter 750, located 632 S, D Street in Oxnard.

We have partnered with National University; the second largest private accredited non-profit University in California. They offer regional campuses, on-line courses and their one-course-per-month format enables students to complete their degree in an accelerated time frame.  Currently, they are offering a 20% tuition scholarship to NLPOA Ventura County Chapter members.


Enroll as a member of NLPOA!  Please click on and complete the application and make your payment on line.  You can also print the application and mail your payment to:

National Latino Peace Officers Association
Ventura County Chapter
P.O. Box 6075, Oxnard, CA 93031

Our chapter membership application and be downloaded by clicking

on: NLPOA-Application-template



The NLPOA Ventura County By-Laws have been revised and are also posted on the “About Us” page. Significant change is the composition of the Board of Directors.  Due to busy schedules, the board was reduced from 10 to seven directors.  Please review the By-Laws and provide input if you see something that needs to be addressed.  The Bi Laws can be downloaded by clicking:

NLPOA Ventura County By-Laws

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